NGS analyzes with R
From Thursday 16/05/2024 to Friday 17/05/2024
From Thursday 26/09/2024 to Friday 27/09/2024
Aurélien Barré, Benjamin Dartigues
Training link
- Be able to analyze sequences coming from reads NGS
- Knowing how to determine the mRNA differentially expressed using RNA-seq data
- Being able to enrich the results using knowledge bases
This training will introduce the Bioconductor packages allowing the analysis of data from next-generation sequencing.
- Reminders of NGS sequencing concepts
- Annotation and identifier conversion tools (bioMart)
- Analysis of the reads and the alignment result
differential expression analysis in RNA-seq
- Enrichment techniques
- The exploitation of megatonic data
- Visualization tools for NGS (GGbio, Circos?)
The end of the training (2 hours) will be devoted to an educational workshop of analysis and reflection on the data brought by the trainees
Alternate short presentations (50% of the time) followed by practical work based on real datasets (50% of the time).
Mastery of the language R. Have followed the course "Language R: introduction" (Ref 18338, this catalog) or equivalent level.
In order to better help evaluate your level, we invite you to perform the downloadable test HERE.
- Engineers, biology technicians and training bioinformaticians
- Anyone wishing to "exploit" their NGS data or to evaluate and reproduce the analyzes presented in scientific publications