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About the CBiB

The Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center (CBiB) is a bioinformatics core facility that provides access to high-performance computing resources, data analysis and programming expertise. The resources serve scientists and private labs to fulfill the bioinformatics needs of their research in an efficient and cost-effective manner. We offer state-of-the-art technologies for working with clinical, translational, and basic science data – from acquisition and storage to analysis and sharing. Our resources are secure and standards-compliant. From a few samples to several tens of thousands, the Innovation Centre provides complete DNA, RNA, metabolomics and proteomics analysis services.

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Latest news

  • Single Cell RNA Seq (ScRNA-Seq) analyzes with R

    <ul> <li>Learn how to assess and manipulate data from Single Cell RNA Seq experiment</li> <li>Learn how to carry out a differential analysis at multiple levels</li> <ul> <li>Next training: <li><b>From 21/05/2024 to 22/05/2024</b></li><li><b>From 12/11/2024 au 13/11/2024</b></li></li> </ul>

  • Language R - INTRODUCTION

    <ul> <li>Acquire the basics for the use of the R language</li> <li>Know how to manipulate and visualize large sets of biological data</li> <li>Next training: <li><b>From 13/05/2024 to 15/05/2024</b></li> <li><b>From 23/09/2024 to 25/09/2024</b></li></li> </ul>

  • NGS analyzes with R

    <ul> <li>Be able to analyse sequences coming from reads NGS</li> <li>Knowing how to determine te mRNA differentially expresed genes</li> <li>Next training: <li><b>From 16/05/2024 to 17/05/2024</b></li><li><b>From 26/09/2024 to 27/09/2024</b></li></li> </ul>